
Phpmyadmin nginx error
Phpmyadmin nginx error

phpmyadmin nginx error

So let’s create a Nginx virtual host file for. Setup permissions for virtual host directory, sudo chown -R Now it’s time that we let Nginx know our intention of running a virtual host on /var/Procedure is same as adding a new domain or sub domain to the server. sudo mkdir -p /var//var/Change to the directory you just created, cd /var/Download and unpack phpmyadmin, sudo wget -O phpmyadmin.zip You should always replace with your sub domain. following command should take care of that. So, we’ll create an Nginx virtual host for phpmyadmin. I prefer it over having phpmyadmin on a sub directory. I’m going to use a sub domain for phpmyadmin. Because these codes are written for my Nginx setup and might need some modifications for other setups. If you’ve used a different source, it’s best to ask the author of that tutorial rather than following this. I’m going to assume that you’ve followed my LEMP server setup tutorial to set up your server. With that being said, let’s start the process of setting up phpmyadmin on Nginx server. It is assumed that you have already installed Nginx, MySQL and PHP on Ubuntu. You should access to the server as a non-root user with sudo privileges and enabled ufw firewall. So I prefer using command line to manage MySQL. Step 1: Prerequisites To follow this guide, you’ll need Ubuntu 20.04 server running on your local computer or on a remote server with prerequisites.

phpmyadmin nginx error

There’s nothing more phpmyadmin can do that command line can’t.

phpmyadmin nginx error

And before I get started, I would like to mention that i’m not using phpmyadmin on my server. This tutorial will walk you through the setup of phpmyadmin on your Nginx server. Find a partner Become a partner UGURUS Elite training for agencies & freelancers. Partners Work with a partner to get up and running in the cloud, or become a partner.


It’s a free software and can be installed on a Ubuntu-Nginx (LEMP) server with few commands. The Wave Content to level up your business. And when I type myIP/phpmyadmin I still get 404 Not Found.


What phpmyadmin does is, it gives graphical user interface for admins to manage MySQL with few clicks. I deletted that code piece from tutorial, restarted Nginx, but browser still downloads a 'download' file instead of heading my website. If on your system localhost is really, then I would carefully check the configurations of apache.

phpmyadmin can be used to manage MySQL on a server. MySQL is a must have peice of software for any web server hosting websites.

Phpmyadmin nginx error